Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hustlenomics Style Edition Quotable #5 (Executive Brand)

 "Sophisticated Ignorance, I Write My Curses In Cursive..."

                                  -Kanye Omari West

Hustlenomics Style Edition Quotable #4 (Executive Brand)

"No Time For Mistakes So I Over Plan."

                                       -Jay Wayne Jenkins

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hustlenomics Style Edition Quotable #3 (Executive Brand)

"All about my cake that's why I married Betty Crocker."
                   -Dwayne Carter

Hustlenomics Style Edition Quotable #2 (Executive Brand)

"If I wasn't me I'd Probably Jock Me Too."
                                           -Sean Carter

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hustlenomics Style Edition Quotable #1 (Executive Brand)

"My Frame Pint Size, But My Name Highrise!!!"
                                           -Sedrew Price

Friday, September 9, 2011

Always on the "Grind" By Warrick Buffett

"Let your grind choose you"

The Mogul lifestyle has been brought to you by Americans of all races, colors, and creeds.  The determination of the downtrodden to achieve greatness through mostly financial gain. I know, I know, financial prowess is not the only determinant of success, however it is the mostly sought after.  Finances being the "All Mighty" of this somewhat God forsaken world brings me to my point.  THE GRIND!

"In this world it's only you and your focus...or lack thereof"

Now, THE GRIND! is a good thing, but anything over done is horrible! I'm not writing this to go against everything I believe, although I am recording this manifesto as a cry for balance.  My dear friend Russell Simmons is a highly respected man and a Mogul to say the least, but I have seen him transform over the years from a tyrannical business man to the balanced spiritual being that he is today.  I follow Rush on Twitter and learn a great deal from his philosophical tweets and am grateful for his shared wisdom.  Over my years of sweat and tears I have gained and lost friends.  I have built and closed businesses.  I have made friends and have kept enemies close. Through all of this I am the man I am today. Am I proud of who I am?  I will not answer that with words, but I will show you with my grind. 

I love being involved and moving at high speeds. I moved to the DC area because its fast.  I'm a city boy and the suburbs were literally killing me.  Now I'm in the city and I feel that the metro is killing me too, just in a different way.  Like I said. I have learned a great deal and these lessons bring to me an uncharacteristic fear.  I have preached against fear as the devil within destroying every fiber of the entrepreneurship that America has instilled in us from generation to generation.  Being a victim of fear can be a good thing.  How can being scared be a good thing? Well, have you ever been backed up against a wall and had to claw your way out?  Make your fear a motivation.  Make lemonade out of those lemons and swing strategically.  The way you get your back off the wall is by developing a slight amnesia and forgetting the fail, but remembering the lessons taught by these horrendous experiences.

"Watch the field, but don't do it with your eyes"

Be consistent. Be persistent. Grind like a mogul and believe that you will get beyond the down times, because they will come.  Remember to insure your every move like a game of chess, however some actions call for a sheer head first dive into murky waters.  The affluent will tell you otherwise, because they never really had it like you.  They didn't have to worry about banks saying no, or not having a family member financially stable enough to loan you the ten thousand dollars needed to start that venture.  These so called "rags to riches" stories don't quite jive with yours now do they?  The depths you came from don't typically offer elite finishes, but you vie to hit the top. You will find your authentic swagger.

"Use your fear"

Every great move maker has his/her own authentic way of doing things. They all share a similar level of thirst or desire, however they all differ in there own undescribeable way.  The Mogul prides in their ability to live in their own skin nonapologetically.  This beast of the grind realizes he/she lives in a world where no one can do what he/she does, the way he/she does it.  A prominent factor in the outcome is confidence and preparation.  Even mistakes can be gems.  Some errors are not quite errors, but interventions.  Even when one makes three lousy moves it's that one genious execution that places you in the lead.  This correction could not be brought to light without sound preparation and simple confidence.  Own your every step and watch how quickly you become the trendsetter hopefully you set out to become. 

"Shut up...Listen"

Find your particular step and get on your grind. The grind is unforgiving and quite burdensome. It doesn't quite like anyone, and the silver spoon recipients don't understand this because they never truly had to look this fiend in the eye.  Well you do. God placed us here on this Earth as rulers over the beasts.  This does not disqualify your dominion over fear, or the grind.  By locating your individual format the grind becomes your help meet.  Your help meet then becomes the determing factor of your success, no matter what that is. The way you see the situation is exactly what it is. So adjust your situation and make sure your attitude is that of success, and you will reach your goals with the proper preparation.

Warrick Buffett
Founder of The Hustlenomics Lifestyle

"Get out of the way of your grind"