Monday, March 28, 2011

M is 4 MOGUL Cocktail of the Week "Bourbon Cobbler"

You'll need:

3 oz. Bourbon

½ oz. Simple Syrup


Chilled Glassware of your choice

Cocktail Mixing Shaker


1.)  Chill a glass either by having it ready in the freezer or by adding ice and water to the glass while you are preparing the cocktail.

2.)  Pour the Bourbon & Simple Syrup into a glass with ice or Cocktail Mixing Shaker with ice. (Use a decent Bourbon, like Jim Beam, to make the cocktail, as the better the ingredients the better the final drink. However, do not use very expensive products as typically they are wasted when all mixed together. These should be reserved for drinking alone.)

3.)  Shake well in the cocktail mixing shaker

4.)  (If the cocktail glass has the chilled water & ice, used previously to chill the glass, dispose of the mixture now. The glass should be empty and cold.)

5.)  Pour into the chilled glass. Lemon as a garnish.

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