Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Will Chris Brown Be Returning To GMA For a Second Interview?

Recording Artist Chris Brown

Despite the alleged tossing of a water cooler through a dressing room window and mad outburst by platinum recording artist Chris Brown, Good Morning America and Robin Lewis says they will gladly have him back to talk with him. “We wish him the absolute best and again we've extended the invitation to him and I sure hope that he takes us up on it, because I'd love to have another chat with him.” says Miss Roberts. 

It seems Chris Brown will never be able to shake the press and a curious world on his altercation with Rihanna.  To add insult to injury, photos of a battered Rihanna surfaced the day of F.A.M.E.'s  release. One would think that he would've realized that an outburst like this would tarnish his career.  I heard him interviewed on The Russ Parr Morning Show where he admitted that any small negative outburst from him would be insurmountable.  I really can't understand why he would result to doing just that. 

Brown pleaded guilty to felony and accepted a plea deal of community labor and five years formal probation

Breezy's fans were heated so this may be the reason for the unsuspected re-invite, and Brown's mother Joyce Hawkins, says she's "very disturbed and upset" about her son's behavior.  According to TMZ no charges will be filed against Chris Brown and NYPD are not investigating because no one is complaining.  Lets see what happens next. 

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