Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M is 4 MOGUL Fashion MOGUL Tyra Banks' New Venture

Fashion MOGUL Tyra Banks' new website TypeF.com

I am a huge fan of Tyra Banks' "America's Next Top Model" and am proud that she is entering her 16th season.  Tyra has made it her duty to educate women on being trendsetters and finding the you n trends. I have been coaching people on owning their brand and looking good doing it.  My style isn't your style and neither is yours mine so finding you in fashion is huge.  Allow Tyra to make an impact in your life with the gifts that have been bestowed upon her by logging on to her website below and using this site as a tool in your fashionably professional life.  M is 4 MOGUL and Type F is for whatever you want it to be. See you soon.

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